Laurie’s Rant: The Harm Of Poorly Designed Studies

Laurie’s Rant: The Harm Of Poorly Designed Studies

I really must stop watching health themed TV programs… The ABC recently aired a program regarding the science of slowing down the aging process. They reviewed a number of studies in a very professional and entertaining way. But therein lies the problem. Viewers...
Laurie’s Rant: Are Supplements Really That Bad?

Laurie’s Rant: Are Supplements Really That Bad?

One of the most frequent questions I am asked (which usually leads to a heated discussion) is: “Aren’t supplements bad for you and a waste of money?” I’ll tell you what is bad for you and a waste of money; alcohol, sugar, trans fats, soft drinks, processed and...
Laurie’s Rant: Do You Even Lift?

Laurie’s Rant: Do You Even Lift?

There is a catch-phrase which originated in body-building circles and has gained notoriety through social media over the last few years. “Do you even lift?” is a question that’s usually thrown around in big gyms full of...
Laurie’s Rant: Are You Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Goals?

Laurie’s Rant: Are You Sabotaging Your Fat Loss Goals?

All too often people tell me that the reason they aren’t achieving their health and fat loss goals is because of what they eat and drink on the weekends at social situations. However, they neglect to realise that the 2 glasses of wine or beer they drink every night as...
Laurie’s Rant: Conflicting Medical Advice Needs To Stop

Laurie’s Rant: Conflicting Medical Advice Needs To Stop

I’d like to begin this rant by saying how much I respect doctors. The long and expensive years of difficult studies, working night shifts in over crowded hospitals and constantly having to deal with unwell people. It takes a special kind of person to want to do this...