Are You Stuck In 1st Gear?

Are You Stuck In 1st Gear?

  Whenever I speak to people who would like to achieve some health and fat-loss results, I always explain to them the importance and benefit of regular and structured resistance training (i.e. lifting weights). Sadly, I am met with replies such as; “but I have a...
Laurie’s Rant: Are You Being Comforted By Food?

Laurie’s Rant: Are You Being Comforted By Food?

During times when we’re stressed, busy, sad, worried and anxious (but also when we’re relaxing, celebrating, unwinding and rewarding ourselves) we often turn to ‘comfort foods’. You know the ones. The foods (and drinks) that are in no way beneficial or healthy but...
Laurie’s Rant: Make July Your New ‘New-Year’

Laurie’s Rant: Make July Your New ‘New-Year’

No doubt each January you set yourself some health and fat-loss resolutions that require some kind of exercise regime and/or changes to your nutrition. But chances are that these ‘new-year’ resolutions probably won’t even last until February. Well you’re not alone as...
Laurie’s Rant: Are You Rolling Downhill?

Laurie’s Rant: Are You Rolling Downhill?

I meet hundreds of people each year who want to shed fat, change body shape and generally transform the way their bodies look and feel. Unfortunately though, most people have highly unrealistic expectations of what results they should achieve over the first few weeks...
Laurie’s Rant: DIY Dentist

Laurie’s Rant: DIY Dentist

Let’s imagine for a minute that we lived in a world where an ambitious and clever entrepreneur decided to open a new dental clinic. This clinic has all the right gear: chairs, x-ray machines, drills, lights, pokers, scrapers, suckers and all the other fun dental...