10 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

10 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

In big gyms it’s common to see the majority of females confined to the cardio area while all the males are heaving the barbells. Cardio is a useful part of an exercise regimen, but rather that cardio on its own is not going to build that shapely, toned body that most...
The New Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes

The New Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes

Resistance exercise (a.k.a. weights) isn’t just for those who want to build strong, shapely bodies. Resistance exercise is now viewed as an absolute must for people that live with Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes 280 people develop Type 2 Diabetes every single day in...
The Importance Of Adding Muscle As You Age

The Importance Of Adding Muscle As You Age

The New Key to Health and Longevity Recent research has found that the amount of fat on your body makes very little difference in your health unless it is simultaneously accompanied with a decrease in your muscle mass as you age (your muscle mass refers to the amount...